General status:

Is this company active or inactive in general? . Learn more.

Company title:


Company code:


Officers of the company:

Here is the list of people who are or were involved in company activity.. Learn more.
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This company is also known as:

This is alternative or historical names of the company.. Learn more.

Alternative statuses of company:

In different data sources, status of this company is different, so we display all of the statuses.. Learn more.
  1. Ar Final Deregistration

Registration date:

  1. 2009.05.05

Company type:

  1. Primary Co-Operative
  2. Private Company
  3. Close Corporation

Alternative company codes:

In some data sources the code of the company is different, so we display all of the codes.. Learn more.
  1. 2005-023061-07
  2. 2005-083759-23
  3. 2010-164968-23
  4. 2009-170744-23
  5. 2010-136443-23
  6. 1983-010021-07
  7. 2009-164334-23
  8. 2004-054238-23
  9. 2009-027332-23
  10. 2007-110762-23
  11. 2009-060806-23
  12. 2010-088802-23
  13. 2012-156801-07
  14. 2009-111937-23
  15. 1992-017698-23
  16. 2010-115586-23
  17. 2012-163553-07
  18. 1987-060043-07
  19. 2001-055338-23
  20. 2012-122323-07
  21. 1983-010016-07
  22. 2011-080127-23
  23. 2008-194442-23
  24. 2008-032607-23
  25. 2012-049163-07
  26. 2003-055654-23
  27. 2012-055495-07
  28. 2012-127317-07
  29. 2011-015555-23
  30. 2007-248925-23
  31. 2006-226145-23
  32. 2009-213909-23
  33. 2011-147157-07
  34. 2010-059605-23
  35. 2012-091349-07
  36. 2004-068494-23
  37. 2012-118184-07
  38. 2007-036023-23
  39. 2012-140468-07
  40. 2012-094750-07
  41. 2008-203457-23
  42. 2011-102200-23
  43. 2005-057096-23
  44. 2012-027696-07
  45. 2010-100117-23
  46. 2010-042210-23
  47. 2012-074116-07
  48. 1991-015892-23
  49. 2010-174918-23

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